The purpose of the Women’s Ministry is to inform, empower, instruct and transform women. Our annual women’s conference encourages women to strive towards excellence and find her unique place in God’s kingdom. The conferences promote unity; provide an atmosphere of encouragement and fellowship while uplifting the spirits of women through education and support. Our speakers range from church members, first ladies and women ministers from PCBC and the greater Bay Area. We believe all women have a word from God that can spiritually encourage other women or aide in her walk with Christ.
Since God meets us all wherever we are in life, we strive to present workshops to meet as many journeys that women travel in life. Some of our conference themes have been:
- Better Than Silver & Gold, Rise Up
- Women of God, Don’t Forget to Live!
- Women Working & Witnessing ‘In the Power of the Holy Spirit’
- Discerning the Voice of God and
- Steppin’ Out in Faith
And after God feeds our souls and energizes our spirits, we take care of others. Each conference has a “project” which is an opportunity for the women and congregation to help someone else, near or far.
- We built the 1st Clean Water Well in the Yatta District of Kenya; financially supported the Mully Children’s Family, a non-profit that supports children who have been abandoned, abused, orphaned or needy in Kenya;
- Collected food and monetary donations for the Alameda County Food Bank;
- Gave a monetary donation and purchased items from Ruby’s Place ‘Wish List’, a women’s shelter for those caught up in trafficking, homelessness, reentering the work force and those with children;
- Donated canned goods and products for a Hayward homeless shelter;
- Purchased school supplies for a Hayward elementary school; and last but not least,
- We gave a monetary donation to PCBC’s Community Lunch Program and our
Youth Department.
The Women’s Ministry meets the first Thursday of every month at 7pm.