Matthew 20:6-7 KJV

The Unique Insight of a Marginalized Woman
Mark 14:3-9 NIV
At a dinner given in his honor, some of the male guests were critical of a woman in attendance who had shown great love and appreciation for Jesus by pouring expensive perfume on His head. Jesus came to the woman’s defense by telling the men that what she did was indicative of great spiritual insight, and went on to say that her story would accompany the presentation of the gospel message wherever it was preached. The fact that the woman to be memorialized was unnamed may be a way of acknowledging the fact that there are very many people who make contributions just as significant as those whose names we know, yet these people remain unknown. This is a way to honor all who labor in obscurity and yet make significant contributions to important causes. Jesus made it clear that He did not want history to overlook the courageous, insightful actions of this unnamed woman.
Sermon Challenge: Reflect on the fact that God knows the love that you have for him, even if others around you don’t realize it.