Matthew 20:6-7 KJV

Wrestling With Your Truth
Genesis 32:24-28 NIV
In the text today, God challenges Jacob to come to grips with His name and what it means. This was not easy for Jacob to do, because it meant acknowledging some hard truths that he would rather avoid. But life has a habit of sometimes forcing our hand to deal with situations we would rather avoid, and in such cases we will find that it’s always better to face the music and deal honestly with God. This is especially true when it comes to our own identity.
Sermon Challenge: Have a heart-to-heart conversation with God, and share with him the things about yourself that you are most displeased with and ashamed of.
Musical Selections:
- “What A Friend We Have In Jesus”
- “How Great Is Our God”
- “Something New”
- “Palma Ceia Youth & Young Adult Praise Dancers – Special Presentations”
- “Let The Words of My Mouth”
- “Hosanna”
- “Be Thou Exalted”
- “Blessed Assurance”
- “Great Is Thy Faithfulness”
Stay tuned for our virtual communion at 1pm. For the communion elements, we suggest flatbread or crackers for the bread, and grape or some other juice for the wine.